Club News News for 2025: Exciting line-up! We have a full calendar of planned events, which you can view on the Calendar page of this website. We have professional demonstrations, further Hands-on events, the Chestnut Weekender, the Christmas Showcase & Competition and more! We have a very interesting presentation from Professional Turner Peter Gibson on 6th February. We also have a full-day demonstration with Professinoal Turner Gary Rance on Saturday 31st May. Round-Up of 2024: Our Club enjoyed a really exciting 2024! Exciting New Venue! - We moved to Seend Community Centre, which has been a fantastic improvement for the club. Our new venue has significantly better resources, including Hall Space, kitchen area, parking, storage and a bar. We have also invested in significant Audio & Visual technology, with large TV’s and improved wireless mics for the demonstrators, giving all club members a better expereince, getting in-close to the action. Fantastic Professional Demonstrations - We’ve had 6 unique demonstrations: o Martin Saben-Smith - demonstrated wood colouring & finishing o Jason Breach - demonstrated his signature pieces o Stuart Mortimer - a true Master Turner! Treated us to a full day event, teaching & entertaining us with a variety of his skills & techniques, including spiraling, hollowing, tool use and much more. o John Boyne-Aitken - Club Chairman & Professional Turner - taught us a number of techniques when making cake stands o Pete Moncrieff-Jury - Club Committee Member & Professional Turner - taught us a number of techniques making small needle holders Hands-On Nights o Our Club Members enjoyed two ‘Hands-On’ events, with two Club lathes demonstrating a variety of tips & tricks, giving all members of the club the opportunity to get ‘hands-on’, try new techniques, honing existing techniques and discuss any turning challenges with out in-house professionals. Christmsas ‘Showcase’ and Competition: o The Showcase - 2024’s Club Showcase was a very successful event. A large number of Club Members presented a truely diverse repertoire of items they turned, colured and finished throughout the year. The Showcase demonstrated how diverse wood turning can be and the variety of items displayed were both astounding and thought provoking, giving eveyone new ideas of what they’d like to try themselves. o The Competition: -> 2024’s annual competition was to create a wig stand, with all stands being donated to Salisbury Hospital and Swindon Hospital Cancer wards. -> How to make the stands was demonstrated earlier in the year. -> We’re very pleased to announce our Club donated 62 wig stands for our local Cancer wards, which were gratefully received.

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